Tuesday, May 26, 2015


I just want
And I just need
To feel like
A somebody again

Barely awake
An unexpected ring
An echoing of words
From a man
That’s come to know disappointment
As much as I
I listen try to exhale
But I can’t
Fighting back tears
Trying to make sense
Of what I just heard

What do you mean
I didn’t have to take
That test?

I love this country
But it is tearing me apart
From the inside out
I have been made to feel
Like my worth is next
To zero
I am there, fully broken
So why do I bother
To keep on fighting?
I am too pissed off and hurt
Because I refuse for my voice
To be silent on election day
I want to sit on a jury
Contribute to the economy
Not pay a fee every ten years
And hold the status
Of a permanent resident
When I have always
Felt like an American Citizen
I refuse to allow
Those people that FAILED
To make me fully theirs
Strip me of the freedoms
I hold dear
Because those people
Dot their i’s and cross their t’s
Those people are the reason
Behind a shattered heart
I could of handled anything
But the reminder of that
I was truly never theirs in the first place
And will never be
I have always known
Felt it in my bones
We were never meant to be