Thursday, July 7, 2016

Colorado Round II

Last month I had the opportunity to travel to Loveland, Colorado for the second time. It was a trip full of mixed emotions and the period of long travel gave room for deep thought, Every trip I have taken with Brethren Disaster Ministries seems to come at a time when my need to get out of my own head and the environment is a must and for that I am thankful.
This past year has been a great struggle for me spiritual and what I know about myself is that I feel the presence of God the most when I am helping others. It was a week full of hard work, a tad bit of boredom, tons of laughter and the meeting of new people. What made this trip a little more interesting was the majority of the crew was youth and though I got mistaken for a youth many times it wasn’t until I was around 15-17-year-olds that I realized my energy level has slowly decreased over the years.
On Monday the entire crew traveled together to a campsite that got damaged by the floods a few years prior and then we were divided up going forward. I got put in a group that had the task of cleaning old floorboards that were going to be installed. By far it was the most boring work I did all week, but in the midst of doing I also got to listen to a crew member’s story and it wasn’t until then that the realization hit me of how much I missed getting to know someone, how much I missed having conversations.
On Tuesday and part of Wednesday I got a new task and boy did I thank the Lord above for that of painting trim, cabinet doors, and drawers, but it also brought up a bit of sadness because less than a year before I got the news that a friend I cared very deeply for had passed away and the only thing that got me through that week was assisting in helping paint the outside of a house. I’ve missed that friend since the day we said goodbye, but in that moment if felt like my heart had swelled up three sizes and the overwhelming thought of their absence brought tears to my eyes.
On Thursday I got to travel outside of the campsite and go to a trailer park where I helped tear up carpet and heard the sounds of drills and the breaking down of ceiling tiles so something new could be put into place, where new memories could be formed in home that has seen and felt so much devastation. I prayed for the home and the people that live within it that they may experience a sense of calm after all that has been taken away, for laughter and overall peace.
On Friday I got to travel to another part of the trailer park and assisted in replacing a moldy deck with a new one. Though I didn’t do much on this day I was just content in watching the youth’s excitement build as they made progress  of seeing a job done to completion for some I think that this was their biggest take away from the week.
I didn’t come back from Colorado with what some people like to call a “Jesus High”, but I came back with a better understanding of where I am spiritual and maybe just maybe this was the trip I needed to move forward… I would follow Jesus to the ends of this Earth even if I no longer held the membership of the CoB that I LOVE, or got to say as often that tagline that always brings a smile, Continuing the work of Jesus. Peacefully. Simply. Together.  


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